Grade Reports
The Interfraternity Council and its chapters hold academic excellence as a top priority for all members. The Council has established a scholarship policy to help chapters promote academic excellence among their members. The Council looks to invigorate all of its members to perform to the best of their academic ability while taking their respective courses. Our organizations take pride in collectively achieving grade-point-averages above the University All-Male average semester after semester.
Interfraternity Council Scholarships
New scholarships coming soon!
Contact for any questions regarding the application process.
National Chapter Scholarships
Each year, thousands of dollars are offered by our chapter’s headquarters to their members for their unparalleled leadership and superior, academic performance. To review the nationally, awarded scholarships of the chapters present at the University of Kentucky, please click the crest or logo to continue to the organization’s scholarship page.
Drew Beecham
Vice President of Scholarship
If you need to reach to Drew at any point, please feel free to email him at