Beta Theta Pi
Greek Letters: ΒΘΠ
Nick Name: Beta
Chapter Designation: Epsilon Omicron
Charter Date: August 2013
Fraternity Colors: Delicate Shades of Pink & Blue
Fraternity Information
Mission & Vision
To develop men of principle for a principled life.
Every member will live Beta Theta Pi’s values.
Mutual Assistance, Intellectual Growth, Trust, Responsible Conduct, & Integrity
Chapter Presentations

Executive Board Contact
Dalton Bertram, Chapter President
“I joined Beta Theta Pi in the hopes of bettering myself, both academically and as a man. The value of joining a fraternity at UK, mostly revolves around making the most of your experience as a whole, and through Greek Life you can accomplish whatever it is that you put your mind to.”
Mason Sullivan, Recruitment Chair
“I joined Beta Theta Pi for the opportunity to make lifelong friendships with like-minded brothers and to further my development as a more well rounded person.”