Nick Name: Triangle
Founding Date: April 15, 1907
Charter Date: October 31, 1920, November 12, 2005
Chapter Designation: ky
Fraternity Colors: Old Rose and Grey
The Purpose of Triangle
The purpose of Triangle shall be to maintain a fraternity of engineers, architects, and scientists. It shall carry out its purpose by establishing chapters that develop balanced men who cultivate high moral character, foster lifelong friendships, and live their lives with integrity.
The Objectives of Triangle
To help develop the highest standards of personal integrity and character;
To foster and provide an intellectual, mature environment for its members through individual and group effort and through the mutual companionship of men with similar professional interests and goals;
To foster and provide the broadening experience of fraternity living with its social and moral challenges and responsibilities for the individual and the chapter;
To recognize and support the objectives and goals of the alma mater and those of the community through responsible participation and action;
To help bridge the gap between undergraduate study and the vocation of the individual in industry, the academic world or government;
To foster and maintain a bond of fraternal brotherhood through a continuing program of activity for the alumni, and;
To bring into focus the elements of planned progress for the betterment of mankind.
Chapter Presentation

Christian Desimone, President
“I joined Triangle because I instantly clicked with many of the brothers the second I stepped foot in their chapter house. I wanted to be a part of a brotherhood that has goals and morals that align with mine.”
Ethan Green, Recruitment Chair
"Triangle gave me a place that I could call home. I have never been around people that have made me feel more like the best version of myself than this fraternity. I continue to learn and grow every single day that I spend with my brothers."