Phi Kappa Tau
Greek Letters: ΦΚΤ
Nick Name: Phi Tau
Founding Date: March 17, 1906
Charter Date: November 6, 1920
Chapter Designation: Kappa
Fraternity Colors: Harvard Red and Old Gold
Fraternity Information
The mission of Phi Kappa Tau is to champion a lifelong commitment to brotherhood, learning, ethical leadership and exemplary character.
The vision of Phi Kappa Tau is to be recognized as a leadership organization that binds men together and challenges them to improve their campuses and the world.
Chapter Presentation

Chapter Recruitment Leads
Michael Wheeler,
Chapter President
"Joining Phi Kappa Tau has been the best decision I have made while being in college. I joined Phi Kappa Tau because the feeling of brotherhood was obvious. At every event, a brother would go out of their way to make me feel like I was already a part of the brotherhood. It was also clear that Phi Tau offered a chance to be part of something greater than myself, make connections outside of my high school groups of friends, and the opportunity to contribute to the growth within the brotherhood.”
Aiden Clark,
Recruitment Chairman
“I joined Phi Tau because the guys made me feel like they wanted me here. There was always someone coming up to talk to me at rush events and not. It made me feel like this was the brotherhood I wanted to become a part of and that I would get a chance to help grow that brotherhood one day.”
Jack Kessler,
Internal Recruitment Chairman
“I joined Phi Kappa Tau because it offered me a sense of community and belonging, providing a network of guys who support each other academically and socially. They also gave me professional networking opportunities, connecting me with alums in various fields. Additionally, joining Phi Kappa Tau gave me leadership opportunities and experiences that contributed to my personal growth and development. “