"United by friendship, Sustained by honor, And led by truth,
We live and we flourish"
Phi Kappa Psi
Greek Letters: ΦΚΨ
Nick Name: Phi Psi
Founding Date: February 19, 1852
Charter Date: 1988
Chapter Designation: Kentucky Beta
Fraternity Colors: Cardinal Red & Hunter Green
Fraternity Information
Phi Kappa Psi develops members of character by providing them with the proper environment and tools to pursue productive, honorable, and purposeful lives.
Academic Excellence
Service to the Community
Respect for the Dignity and Well-being of Others
Personal Integrity
Chapter Presentation

Chapter Recruitment Leads
Isaac Martin, Chapter President
“I joined Phi Kappa Psi because when I was going through recruitment, it felt like these guys actually cared about each other. It was truly a family”
Tom Musgrave,
Recruitment Chair
“I joined Phi Kappa Psi because I found a group of guys who I thought could be my family at UK, and the opportunity that the alumni and national organization provide could help me after my time as an undergrad.”