"Nothing shall ever tear us asunder"
Pi Kappa Phi
Greek Letters: ΠΚΦ
Nick Name: Pi Kapp
Founding Date: December 10, 1904
Charter Date: 1995
Chapter Designation: Eta Tau - Returning Fall 2023
Fraternity Colors: Auxiliary Blue, White and Gold
Fraternity Information
To create an uncommon and lifelong brotherhood that develops leaders and encourages service to others for the betterment of our communities.
A future where every Pi Kappa Phi embraces his role as a leader, puts service before self and improves the world around him.
Fraternity Presentation
Pi Kappa Phi Leadership Consultants
Robbie Khalil Leadership Consultant
“I joined Pi Kappa Phi to find a home away from home”
Jonathan Lewellyn Leadership Consultant
“I chose Pi Kappa Phi because I wanted to join an organization that was bigger than myself, where I could find lifelong friends. Since I joined, I have had incredible opportunities and experiences that I could not have found anywhere else"