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IFC Recruitment Kick-Off

Monday, September 6
5-8 p.m.
Multiple Locations

The IFC Recruitment Kick-Off is a collection of events that occur simultaneously. These events allow the PNM to choose who they interact as well as if they are interested in finding out specific information about organizations that interest them.

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IFC Community Welcome

5-7 p.m.
White Hall Lawn

Join the IFC Chapters for a community meet and greet. Food will be served starting at 5 p.m. until supplies last. PNMs can meet chapters, other PNMs and IFC executive board members. What better way to kick-off formal recruitment week than by free food and building community!

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IFC Chapter Presentations

5-8 p.m.
White Hall Classrooms: 114, 122, 201 & 219

During the IFC Community Welcome, chapters are scheduled to present in various White Hall Classrooms. If you are interested in learning more specific information about chapters, such as requirements, cost and expectations. For chapter presentation schedules please see the IFC Website.

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Welcome Address

6-8 p.m.
Group/Session U: 6-7 p.m.
Group/Session K: 7-8 p.m.
Worsham Cinema, Gatton Student Center

PNMs will be split into two groups, U and K because we cannot fit all of you in Worsham Cinema. You will receive communication via email about which group you are in, so please check your email. During the Welcome Address you will hear from the IFC President, Vice President of Recruitment and the IFC Advisor about this week, expectations from the community and a more in-depth conversation about what it means to be a (fraternity) man.